Honest question: do you think an academic parasite with an affinity for submissive bootlicking of authority at the expense of others has any insight worth a damn into masculinity or law?

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Hey! Thanks for commenting! If you have a constructive counter argument, please explain it. I'm not sure I was clear in the paper; I am a bad writer.

Also, I don't think I am arguing that law restricts man. I think I argue the opposite. Law ought to be freeing, just as Natural Law is. I think we agree on more than you want to admit! Thanks!!

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Nah, I’m reducing to the conversation to your low level. You wanna play the smug condescending condescending straw man angle against me? You’ll lose.

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If I submit to your "reasoning" then I submit to your authority. So, why would I, even though your logic and syllogisms are unsound, agree with you? Give me a reason. Your argument is by definition a losing one. What should I do? I just want to arrive at the truth. Attack my argument in a concrete way; don't pull this ad hominem attack on me. Take it or leave it. Substack ought to be a forum of intellectual debate, not slander. Let's try and keep it that way.

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Don’t infect my posts with your feminized passive aggression again. I came to substack for quality comments, not trash. So long

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